I have had the opportunity to buy and sell a house in this fucked up housing debacle. Luckily we get to blame the whole mess on banks, the government and appraisers who screwed it up for everyone. I wonder.....did home buyers have any accountability? According to most of the articles I have read and documentaries I have watched the answer seems to be a resounding no. I openly and unapologetically disagree.
You bought houses you could not afford. You overextended your credit to get a house that you were counting on to make you money in a few years and when it didn't pan out, you walked away and left your fucking mess for someone else. You got a loan that made no sense to anyone that could read, which included you, yet you signed your life away on an interest only or balloon payment and now you want to point fingers at the bank. I point the finger at you. When you couldn't make your new mortgage payment plus your new SUV payment all the while making the minimum to RC Willey for all the furnishings you needed, you simply stopped paying. Then you claimed bankruptcy and left your neighbors with a vacant house and shitty lawn to look at. Overextended much? You want to blame the banks for sticking it to you...I say you bent over a long time ago and it was just a matter of time.
My favorite argument is that we should just let people live in these houses that they can't pay on instead of making them homeless and having more vacant homes. Guess what, genius, we are. It's called foreclosure and it takes up to 2 years to get people out of a house that they haven't paid on. Your brilliant idea is also showcased in how they treat these houses that they are occupying rent free. Holes in walls, dog shit on the carpet and on they way out they make sure to take all the metal and break all the fixtures. Free rent? Sign me up. Isn't that just the way of the world. Poor saps made bad decisions and now we should all get to pay the consequences.
I have an idea. Stop thinking that you deserve to have what you can't fucking afford. If it sounds to good to be true...IT FUCKING IS. Want to own a home? Be realistic and sign a FIXED RATE mortgage. Stop buying cars from a new car lot. If your card is declined for a three dollar latte, you need to get another job or stop spending money. And please...stop blaming everyone else for your stupidity. It's getting old and I am not buying it.
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