Saturday, March 9, 2013

Selling Out or Daily Blog

It's come to my attention through painful research on the topic of blogging, writing and all things words, that once a week posts to this little ditty  just ain't gonna cut it. I would like to sit by and pray to Jebus that writing whenever I get a hair up my butt will gain the response I crave from the reading public. Jebus has told me to fuck off,  so I had to make a game plan.
I hate it when people say "you should"...I always do the opposite out of spite. Teenage angst. However, in this case, it is true that I should. I should blog every weekday and I should theme each day. God!!! I feel so cheesy even suggesting a daily theme. I actually had an entire blog about why themed blogs and sites are so gay (if I have to explain my use of this word, stop reading now.) I quickly did a comparison of the number of my followers, whom I adore, versus the number of their followers and the totals don't lie. You bitches love  themes!! So while it makes me feel like a sell out, I will give you want you desire.
It wouldn't be my style to use cutesy themes like Mommy Cooks Monday!!! or Tickle Your Funny Bone Tuesday!!! So here are my proposals for daily themes and my promise to you, the reader, that barring complete catastrophe this bitch is writing. I won't stop. You deserve nothing less.
Also, while I'm shamelessy theming days, please  follow me on Twitter @BrasherMandy. I don't get the @ and the hash tag biz yet but it's funny and you can follow my crazy life minute by minute. That sounds creepy but really isn't.

Moron Zone Monday: Today we tackle those people in the cubicle next you. You know who you are.
Twisted Tales Tuesday: I write what want. And it's Tuesday.
Happy Hump Wednesday: I give you my opinion/experience/advice on sex. I have no degree which gives you peace of mind that what I say is true.
Throngs of Children Thursday: It's all about those little monsters you can't help but love.
Fuck That Shit Friday: Everything that pisses me off, one blurb at a time.

I can't wait to get started. See you Monday. :)

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