Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nominations Anyone?

Our topic today is "Can you really afford a five dollar coffee?". The answer for some of us is easy...yes because I get a discount, have a job and don't carry loads of debt. For some others it's not so easy. Take for instance the lady who drove up in an Escalade yesterday. She obviously gets her hair, nails and tan done which all costs money. She hands me her debit card and says "Can you run this as a credit?" So I do, then she asks timidly "Did it go through?". You know what Miss High Maintenance Bitch, if you have to ask then you should not be here. Obviously you are bad with money so how about you tone down the showy car, make bigger payments on your credit cards and consider not accumulating more debt. I am no Dave Ramsey (he is awesome) but seriously people you don't have to be a brain surgeon to know when it's time to tell yourself no. And it is obviously time.
My grandfather, rest his soul, would choke on his homemade tea if he knew people really spent 8 bucks on one blended drink while they slept on their mom's couch and worked part time at Pizza Hut. I am pretty sure he could feed his family of eight for a whole day on eight dollars and these little punks spend it on one drink that they don't even finish.
Time's are tough all around but apparently not tough enough for people to tell themselves no to overpriced coffee. I give a shout out to gramps today...there is something to be said for working hard, saving money and being practical. To you Escalade lady, you are hereby nominated to Idiot of the Day.

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