Saturday, June 12, 2010

Having Babies Doesn't Make You An Adult...Obviously

I have an idea for all you immature, lazy assholes who are too unmotivated to go to work? Stop having kids and sucking off all the government programs that my tax dollars pay for but that I will never use. Although I really love going to work so that you can be home with your 5 kids and 4 baby daddies...I think it's about time you learned about a little thing called BIRTH CONTROL. To you men who insist on having babies and numerous baby mamas, your time of being in a band and sleeping on your buddies couch are over. Time to grow up and get a job, pay for diapers and take some responsibility for sticking your dick in the that hot girl from the bar. It's called consequences for those of you who have never had any in your entire life. When you make a decision there are consequences to your actions. I am glad your parents let you parent yourself and you have no idea that you may have to take responsibility for yourself, but I am done supporting you. Grow the fuck up, get a job and start being a big kid. You were big enough to create a human comes the part where you carry your own weight and become an adult. I know, it's a whole new concept.

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