Friday, February 15, 2013

Bad Choices

I've never tried cocaine, heroin, meth or speed. I am sure there is a longer list than that of drugs that have never had the pleasure of entering my body but that's the short list. I was sure that if I had tried one of the many recreational drugs on the market, I would end up selling my body on the street and spending time with a lot of unsavory characters. I am part of the 1% of society that gets nauseous when I smoke weed so that has only happened a handful of times. I tried acid once out of my roommates fridge and while the squares were small to begin with, I clipped an even smaller piece off to stick on my tongue. It had the effect of two ibuprofen, so thankfully I didn't become raver with glowing teeth. I've always been scared of being a drug user who couldn't go to work, drive or wake up at 3 am with a screaming newborn.
What I haven't been afraid of being is a smoker. While I do follow the cautious warnings and all out death threats about the harmful effects of cigarettes, I can still function as a fairly normal adult while also having something in my system that calms my nerves and gives me a reason to sit in below freezing temperatures for 10 minutes to get out of work. While people still feel the need to remind me of the fact that smoking is harder to quit than hard drugs, I don't foresee me quitting in the near future. I love smoking and I love that people hate it so passionately.
I feel the same way about bottled water. I fucking love the taste of bottled water and detest that shit that comes out of my faucet. I don't care to keep a stupid ass water pitcher with a filter in my fridge to save the world because that is more work for me. I hate needing to change a filter and fill it up after everyone in the house has drank it and left it empty. I have read lots of articles and watched the many heart wrenching bottled water videos and I am well aware that I alone am ruining the planet. It's a hard realization for me when there are millions of companies all over the world dumping hazardous material and pollutants into the oceans and air. I am sure my ten bottles a week are making much more of an impact on the destruction of the planet. I accept that responsibility. The sad fact that I alone am keeping bottled water facilities in business should keep me up at night, but usually I sleep really well.
Sometimes I really get crazy and smoke while drinking a bottle of water. You should see the looks I get. You would think people would spend more time being upset by child molesters and sweat shop owners but apparently my bad choices are something that need to be addressed by people with the lack of initiative to find a new anti-whatyouaredoing group to follow. I would consider myself a pretty decent human...I pay taxes, treat people with respect, wave to my neighbors, and don't abuse living things. I assume that would outweigh my decisions about what to put in my body but it does not and people are mad.At this point in my life I feel that I may be reverting back to my youth when doing something naughty was amazing solely based on the fact that you weren't supposed to be doing it. If I started liking tap water (God help us) I would still buy bottled water, dump it into my dogs water bowl and fill it up just so people could still call me an asshole. I plan to to smoke until the day I die..I know that makes you mad. And that my friend is reason enough.

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