Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wal Mart Urinal. Yeah, thats right.

Half way through a store the size of four football fields seem like a perfect time to need a potty. Planning isn't hard wired into a three year old, so I will let it slide this time. So here were are cart derbying through shoppers to avoid a pee catastrophe. As we slide into home, I observe a disturbingly dirty cleaning cart blocking the Women's restroom. At that point, I really looked around for someone that may have a great idea on what to do now. Hello, checker, what do you think of me letting him piss in the water fountain? My mind is racing and the pee is coming, so to avoid a smellier mom sweater I allow my three year old to brave the men's room alone. I know....Jesus...I know but what the hell else was I suppose to do? So I stand close to the entrance and check in every 10 seconds. The 15th time I ask if he is okay..I hear this "Yeah mommy these urinals are cool and the same size as me". Huh. Me in panic mode and you enjoying the scenery, lesson learned my small friend. Lesson learned.

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