Friday, June 18, 2010

Some Love For The Gays

As a teenager, I was lucky enough to have quite a few wonderful relationships with gay men. I always enjoyed being a "fag hag", gay men are great at compliments and making a girl laugh. I will admit it put a halt on my dating life because I was completely fulfilled by men in friendships. I had never had sex so being celibate and adored by gay men was fantastic. They did teach me a lot about sex, I learned years before ever giving one, how to master the blow job. I learned that butt play was nothing to be afraid of and how to introduce it into a relationship.
There came a time when my life when I needed to date and I was ready to find someone to share my life with. It was hard to have those relationships take a back seat after so many years but I knew that it was time. I met a great guy, got married and had kids. My suburban life didn't offer a lot opportunity to be involved in the gay community. I would randomly talk to my old friends, see them at weddings or run into them on the rare occasion I wasn't home with babies.
Fast forward to now. We finally have a token gay at work and man....have I missed you!!! The inappropriate innuendos, the fake flipping of the hair, the fabulous attire, and game pats that really only you can get away with. I have missed having a conversation with a man that didn't involve kids, bills, how little sex he is getting, or whats in the checking account.
Welcome back to my life gay friend. It's great to have you and your flamboyant personality. You are saving my sanity one hair flip at a time.

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