Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dating...Thanks But No Thanks.

Supposedly being married for years is said to be monotonous, dreary and really quite boring. Imagine....waking up to the same person everyday, washing his underwear, and smelling his ball sweat for month after month, year after year. Sound frightening? Well, apparently you haven't dated in awhile. I have been lucky enough to be married for 10 years and out of the dating pool, however I have heard the pool is a little murky these days. It's all here say but it is disturbing.
*Men showing up for dates with wrinkled shirts...really? for a first date? How about a little effort scum bag.
*Wearing more jewelry than the woman you are meeting for coffee.....creepy. The long earring went out with the leather wrist cuff and the mullet, pal.
*Talking incessantly about what a bitch your ex is.....huh? Well, it's a nice leap into the future knowing what you would say about me when it all fell apart because I realized what a freak you are. Oh, wait. I already figured that out. Next.
And last but not least...
*The grown ass man who promises a night of dancing then fakes tired and asks you to come to his place to watch a movie. Yes, ladies, they are still using this line to try to bone you on the first date. I guess I figured since you were out of college by about 20 years, you may have some better material. Good to know that some things never change.

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