Monday, July 19, 2010

As You Wish...

Help me understand this. Why do some people feel they were put on this earth to be waited on hand and foot by others? Somehow they are more important than anyone else and being a demeaning asshole is how they choose to act....all the time. I am not sure when people in food service became your personal slave that you can talk down to and remind of how important your money is to them having a job. Working in customer service has cast a blindingly bright light on these overly critical, unappreciative douche bags and frankly I am ready to reach across the counter and choke some bitches out. I am pretty sure that treating everyone with respect is a lesson that includes people who serve you food, make your coffee, clean your motel room and clean your shit off public restrooms. The fact that you make more money or put on appearances that you make more money does not give you the right to talk down to those in your community who show up for jobs everyday that are necessary to your being able to function. Somehow you deserve a fucking throne because you choose to spend an ass load of money for coffee and when I don't lick your asshole you turn into a demented douche who needs to remind me that you spend more at my place of business than I pay for my mortgage. Really? You know how much I pay for my mortgage? You know how much my yearly income is? You are supremely important because you don't make coffee for your chosen profession? Well fuck you. Fuck your money. And fuck your shitty attitude. We all get to choose how we treat others and I choose to smile and remake your drink every time. Thankfully karma is a nasty little bitch and your day is coming. I am willing to bet my coffee shop change will come in handy when your panhandling on the street.

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