Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Feel The Burn...The REAL Burn

I know this won't be popular and that is exactly why I am posting it. I see a trend of people spending 60 bucks on shoes that apparently get you in shape by walking down the driveway to your car. Beside the fact that they look like nurses shoes and are quite possibly the ugliest "sneakers" I have seen since the Spice Girls flew the coop...there is no way they get you in shape. I spotted a young lady at a local convenience store stocking up on brownies and 72 ounces of soda but thankfully wearing her shape up sneakers. Really??? You expect those shoes to burn off 1100 calories just by walking to your car? Little tidbit of info for anyone who cares; getting in shape takes serious exercise in shoes that are going to support your feet, ankles and knees. Browsing Wal-Mart for another too tight tee and booty shorts in your awesome new sneakers is in no way compensating for that extra large super sized cheeseburger and fries you just had for a snack. Notice if you will the next time you see someone sporting these god awful shoes...what shape they are in? Do they look like a runner? Maybe a body builder? Perhaps a young mom walking off baby weight? No. They are chunked out suckers ordering calorie laden food, drinking gallons of soda, and believing the hype they see on TV about a pair of shoes burning calories for you while you sit in front of the TV and inhale a large pizza. Don't be sucked in. You want to get in shape? Buy some comfortable walking shoes and commit to 30 minutes of sweating a day. You need to lay off guzzling carbonated sugar water, too. Disclaimer: I am not naturally thin, I have been fat, I was addicted to soda, I have to workout everyday to stay in shape SO DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH.

1 comment:

  1. ummm...I got mine at Ross for $30 and prefer to wear them while eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking "healthy" Diet Coke ( you know, the one with vitamins and minerals) and lamenting that I'm not losing my baby weight...
