Friday, August 27, 2010

Let Me Check My Planner

I am officially one of "those" people who must check a calender before committing to taking your phone call or answering the door when you come by. Perhaps it has been too long in coming but I have always liked keeping it all in my head. I am pretty organized up there. Able to run a household, work, get kids to school and activities on time, visit friends and plan vacations. All of it filed away in Ikea style organizers, in a beautifully decorated room in my head. Not any room I would ever live real life is full of clutter and dust balls, but a model home room. Unfortunately, every wonderful thing must come to an end. I am selling that gorgeous office space in my head for a clunky, paper filled "life planner" that I now have to carry everywhere.
Here is the conundrum; when it was in my mind it was filed away until I absolutely needed to know about it, now I must have a glaring reminder every time the desire hits to have a girl's night out that my life is over committed, super scheduled and no one short of a super hero has time to do all of these things that are written down. I must finally admit to putting more on my plate than I wish to eat. My beautiful office became too small for how gigantic my life is becoming and I had to surrender to being one of those adult, a working mother, a student, a housekeeper, a busy friend and a doting wife. All at the same time. That kind of business takes more than an overly occupied brain can keep organized. I really would love to have lunch just make sure you remind me to check the planner before I promise to be there at noon, no problem. Noon may be full for the next four years.

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