Monday, September 27, 2010

Ahh...The Smell Of Wet Butt Crack In The Morning

Am I the only one? The only person on the planet who never gets to use a clean towel. I know for sure I am the only one in my house who washes, dries, folds and puts away all the towels. I lovingly sort the lights from the darks and add some yummy smelling fabric softener. Then the dreaded moment, it should be so shower, clean body, hair that isn't one day away from dreads, I slowly reach out for a soft, supple feel of a towel. I pull it to my face to smell the.....what the smells like BO and ass crack. Why? How hard is it replace a nasty towel with a clean one for the next person? The only thing worse is when I reach out and feel a crusty hand towel or wash cloth full of boogers. You ever heard of a tissue? I am sick of being the brunt of nasty towels. I want the bathe in the beautiful scent of luxuriously clean cotton surrounding my hideously shaped body. Isn't that my right for being the only person who puts the damn things away every week? So here I sit at my computer with the knowledge that my neighbors will need therapy after seeing me stomp down the hallway in my birthday suit, in search of something to dry myself with. Right along with my 'clean' face that now smells like a butt.

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