Wednesday, August 11, 2010

C'est La Vie

What is the old adage...bad things come in sets of three? Once you hit three you are somehow more likely to have a million wonderful things happen? That may be true but I think I had worn out my lucky streak because the last two weeks have given me a violent case of diarrhea and I am pretty sure it's not normal to feel like your stomach in on fire every time you digest food. Ulcers anyone?
I had a good streak and I will be the first to admit it. Great job, friends, happy kids, wonderful marriage, reliable cars, enough money to be comfortable and an all around stable life. Then we went on vacation. It was wonderful until we were heading home and I saw black smoke pouring from the back of our van. Between the tow, the fix, the unexpected radiator, the rental car and gas to drive over 2,000 miles we completely wiped out our savings. Let the panic attack begin. So is that one bad thing or like five?
Since this little episode it seems that every time I turn around something in the house is broken, ruined, needs replacing or is leaking. Is it possible to be tested to the point of sheer madness? Every time I get the mail it's another unexpected medical bill, dental bill, or we-want-to-fuck-you-over bill and frankly it's more than my little heart can stand. I am pretty sure I hit my three....or fifty. I want my lucky streak back. I read about a woman who has won the Texas Lottery four times at a grand total of 24 million. YES PLEASE!!! Thank you for the reminder that money is not everything and the best things in life are free. Got it. Free won't fix my car, my dishwasher, buy school clothes, pay medical bills or buy groceries. It also won't pay for the lifetime supply of Tums that I am going to need after living through the last 14 days.

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