Sunday, May 9, 2010

Things To Ponder On Mother's Day...

I had to laugh out loud yesterday when I heard my daughter and her friend talking in the other room. The prequel to this story is that I had worked until midnight the night before, went grocery shopping after, got to bed at 2 am and crawled out of bed the next morning at 6:30 am to run my first 5K. So as I am resting on the couch that afternoon I hear my daughter say "Yeah, I don't know, my mom is just laying on the couch today" Her friend says " Yeah that's what moms do all the time..they take lots of naps" Ha ha ha ha...the hell we do. Frankly, I am concerned for moms that don't ever lay on the couch and rest. Even once. My mom and grandma were like that...I don't remember my grandma even sitting down let alone resting at any point in her life. I am pretty sure looking back that she was superhuman in every way.... so that standard is completely unreachable. The only "naps" my mom took were with my dad on Sunday afternoon with the door locked. I don't think there was a lot of sleep involved.
I remember my mom saying "When your kids are young, you just don't nap. You need to keep your eyes on them at all times" And she did. I give her props cause she was with us or watching us all the time. I am a different mom and have just recently come to accept this. I sit and read the paper for an hour in the morning....I fall asleep on the couch while the kids play in the backyard....I sleep through movie night and I am a great mom. So here's to all the moms out there who need happy, well rested mommys and sometimes napping through Spongebob is how we make it through a day of laughing, playing, holding and teaching. Happy Mama's Day.

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