Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Just TMI

Stop making me look at your dog, your kids, you and your spouse, you in Disneyland, you and your creepy cat, and your outdated, ugly wedding pictures. I am sure I sound like an asshole, but when you hand me your credit card I don't need to suddenly know more about you then whether or not you can pay for your coffee. I am sick of feeling obligated to say something nice about the picture of your sleeping dog that you had printed on your debit card. Do you see me wearing some tacky pin on my apron with a picture of my adorable, smart, sweet kids? No. You wanna know why? Because I don't fucking know you and I don't want you looking at my kids and feeling obligated to say something. Let's do this...let's stop taking photos and feeling the need to plaster them on plastic that you hand to thousands of people every year. I don't care that you went to Disneyland, got mouse ears and let your spouse take a candid pic of you all sweaty and fat in front of the castle. I don't need to know that you are obsessed with Tori Amos to a point that you fucking downloaded a picture of her for your credit card. It's creepy. Pictures of your cat sprawled out on your dirty couch tell me more than I ever wanted to know about your sex life. Take your pictures and put them in a god damn album and show them to people that care.

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